Tag Archives: Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR)

Twitter Inc (TWTR) Worthy Of an Entry In 2015

Twitter Inc (TWTR) Worthy Of an Entry In 2015

If you already do not have Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) in your portfolio, then it might be time for you to start thinking in terms of making an entry. On Friday, 23rd January, 2015, the micro-blogging site announced the launch of Flock, a platform meant for facilitating interaction between the organization and developers. It is the

CENTCOM Twitter Inc (TWTR) Account Hacking Dismissed As ‘Cybervandalism’

At 12.30 pm EST, on Monday, 12th January, 2015, US Central Command (CENTCOM)’s account on Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) began to display the name ‘CyberCaliphate’ against a black background followed by the slogan ‘i love you isis’ in white lettering. Signed by ISIS, synonymous with Islamic State, it also featured military documents believed to have been

Twitter Inc (TWTR)’s Sudden Spike Sparks Curiosity

After a fairly difficult 2014, Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) augured 2015 with plenty of hopes and plans and much of this optimism stood vindicated when the stock registered a sharp rise of 2% during Friday’s trading session. ‘ClassCurious’ was how this increase was termed on CNBC and questions were posed to Aaron Kessler, senior analyst with

Bankers Being Trained To Handle Twitter Inc (TWTR) Correctly

With it upper limit of 140 characters, Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) may describe itself as a micro-blogging site but that does not take away anything from the intensity of impact which its messages can cause. For any professional, especially bankers and financial experts, 140 characters are more than enough to bring about a financial debacle or
